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Company history and production with respect for quality and environment 
The history of our company

Cited in medical literature since the nineteenth century, and appreciated by the local population for its quality and beneficial effects, CHIARELLA water has been bottled directly at the source in the municipality of Plesio, above Menaggio since 1964, and since then it has continued to maintain its promise of purity and quality.

Philosophy and values

Chiarella has always demonstrated, in over sixty years of history, great attention to the environment and the community.
Several projects have been developed over the years, with significant investments to minimize the impact on the area and guarantee positive effects for the entire territory.
Giving a living to the mountain, which gives us a living. It's a question of reciprocity.

Production and respect of the environment

Inaugurated in Plesio in 1965, the plant (then only Chiarella) was hailed in the newspapers of the time as "the most panoramic plant in Europe for the bottling of mineral waters".
Since then, the factory has continuously renewed and updated its systems, combining the glass line with a modern system for bottling water in latest generation PET (Krones monoblock for blowing and filling bottles in a "clean room").

The production buildings directly overlook what has been definitively "the most beautiful lake in the world", a holiday destination for the international jet set and a universal symbol of elegance and refinement.
Deeply connected with nature, we are a pure expression of the territory from which we are born.

Acque Minerali Val Menaggio

Our goal is to produce and distribute high quality mineral water.
Our bottles, awarded all over the world for their design, wish to be a visual and tactile story of our essence and pure expression of the territory that generates us.
Quality remains the first objective of the company, whose offer is always based on the guarantee of the product and service.
A story that develops across two centuries and two millennia is proof that the objectives declared by the company coincide with the facts.

Quality and well-being